8 Steps to Lower Cancer Risk

The association of lifestyle and cancer risk is worthy of our attention. Comprehensive studies by the American Institute of Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund estimated that healthy diets, together with regular physical activity and appropriate body mass, could potentially reduce cancer incidence by 30 to 40 per cent. At current rates, on […]

H1N1 in Cancer Patients

Cancer patients are potentially at greater risk of acquiring an H1N1 infection as well as developing complications from the infection. Any patient with serious chronic diseases such as kidney failure, chronic obstructive lung disease or cancer is at risk, as the underlying disease weakens the immune system. However, patients with cancer currently receiving treatment with […]

Maiming Won’t Ensure A Cure

Ms JK, a Chinese woman in her 40s was overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. First to hit home was the shock of her diagnosis of breast cancer. Then followed the relief from knowing that the diagnosis was made at an early stage and that surgery with conservation of her breast was a possibility. Finally, came the […]

Cancers Don’t Take Holidays

As a member of the European Society for Medical Oncology, I attended the annual conference of the society held in Vienna in September this year. After the conference, I took the opportunity to have a short holiday in Prague and Budapest. Both Prague and Budapest are lovely cities, steep in European history and culture. I […]

Doc Talk: Thank you

Depressing. This is the commonest description given by others for my job nature as a cancer doctor. As an oncologist, I look after patients with cancer. The more fortunate amongst my patients are diagnosed with cancer when the disease is still in its early stages. Many are cured. Nonetheless, they had to go through the […]

Doc Talk: That antioxidant story

“One of the purported benefits of green tea is that of its antioxidant property possibly playing a role in the reduction of cancer risk,” I said in Mandarin, as the cameras rolled on. I tried to stay focused as curious onlookers peered through the wide glass windows of the temporary film studio. But alas, my […]

Incorporated in 2005, Singapore Medical Group (SMG) is a healthcare organisation with a network of private specialist providers across four established pillars - Aesthetics, Diagnostic Imaging & Screening, Oncology and Women's & Children's Health. Within Singapore, SMG has more than 40 clinics strategically located in central Singapore and heartland estates. Beyond Singapore, SMG also has an established presence in Indonesia, Vietnam and Australia. Learn about our privacy policy here.

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