Myths About Cancer

Cancer continues to evoke fear in many people, and some are thanks to numerous myths that are circulating in the minds of the general public and on the internet. Myth #1: Antiperspirants and deodorants cause breast cancer Fact: They are safe to use every day. The belief that aluminium and parabens are absorbed through the skin, […]

How to Fight Cancer

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu The term “cancer” has its etymology in Greek. “Cancer” means “crab” in Greek. A 4th century BC Greek philosopher, Hippocrates, concluded the name after he examined organs affected by the disease. By cutting an organ with a cancerous […]

7 Ways You Can Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

Preventing Cancer and Why Early Detection is Key Getting cancer is not just down to genes, fate or bad luck. It is a combination of our environment, genes, and lifestyle. By making healthy choices, we can lower our risk of getting cancer. Screening tests can detect cancers early, which is when treatment works best, and […]

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